Fashion Revolution

What is Fashion Revolution?

We are designers, producers, makers, workers, and consumers. We are academics, writers, business leaders, brands, retailers, trade unions, and policymakers. We are the industry and the public. We are world citizens. We are a movement and a community. We are you.

We love fashion. But we don’t want our clothes to exploit people or destroy our planet. We demand radical, revolutionary change.

This is our dream!

What is Fashion Revolution Week?

Fashion Revolution Week happens every year in the week surrounding the 24th of April in remembrance of the 2013 Rana Plaza collapse.

Rana Plaza, a building in Bangladesh, housed numerous garment factories, employing around 5,000 people. The people in this building were manufacturing clothing for many of the biggest global fashion brands. More than 1,100 people died in the collapse and another 2,500 were injured, making it the fourth largest industrial disaster in history. The victims were mostly young women.

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